Birthday Interview: Beth Parks

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September 8, 2014 by sbpcobb


We want to wish Beth Parks a belated Happy Birthday! She celebrated her day this past Saturday, September 6, and we hope it was great! Beth has been around the dealership for a long time and loves to be busy with several jobs simultaneously. She can handle just about anything, but interacting with people is her speciality. She always has a smile on her face, and we’re thankful for her quick mind and hard work!

We interviewed her on Friday, so let’s hear what she had to say.


How long have you been at Parks?

I’ve worked here for over 15 years. I started at the end of January in 1999.


Favorite GM Vehicle.

Buick Encore


What does a normal day look like for you at the dealership?

I answer the phones and direct all calls, wait on lots of customers, and I also handle the flooring and payoffs of our vehicles to BNA Bank.


What do you like to do when you’re not working?

I love traveling!! I am always planning the next trip. I also direct weddings at my church, First Baptist and now other locations around the country. And I really love watching the Cardinals play baseball at home. It’s especially fun when I get to visit my youngest daughter, Anne Elise, in St. Louis to go to the game.


Tell us about your family.

My husband, Bill, and I have two beautiful, talented daughters, Sara Beth and Anne Elise, and now a wonderful son-in-law, Jonathan and granddog, Copper.


Favorite place in the world?

When not enjoying time at home on the farm, I love traveling to see my daughters. Anywhere and anytime we can be together is always a “favorite”!


Happy Birthday, Beth!!! We hope it was fantastic!

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