Birthday Interview: Jimmy Melson

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August 22, 2014 by sbpcobb

We want to wish Jimmy Melson a very happy birthday today! Jimmy does all of our oil changes, complete inspections of vehicles, and rotates tires. There’s not much you can slip past him–he knows cars inside and out.

He also loves motorcylces (he drives one to work each day), and he has owned and raced dragsters most of his adult life.

Jimmy, we think you’re pretty cool! Get to know a little bit more about Mr. Melson in his interview below:


How long have you been at Parks?

I’ve been here a little over 6 years, started in April of 2008


Favorite GM Vehicle:

The GMC trucks


What does a normal day look like for you at the dealership?

A regular day is filled with doing lots of oil changes.


What do you like to do when you’re not working?

Drag racing and gardening


Tell us about your family.

I have two sons and three grandsons.


Favorite place in the world?

Mississippi—I have left a few times, but I always come back.


Happy birthday, Jimmy! We hope you have a glorious birthday ride planned and lots of sweets, too.

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